Most asked
Frequently asked questions
How am I billed for transactions?
How do I change my bank details?
What is PCI compliance and why is it important?
How do I view my transaction history?
How do I see my settlement details?
What is customer due diligence?
Why do I need to supply you with info about my business in order to keep processing with you?
Still have questions?
Visit our Knowledge Management Help Center
Learn more about our products and services, review in-depth how-to guides, and how to activate your iQ account.
Knowledge Management CenterAccess our customer portal - Worldpay iQ
To manage your account, view transactions, review your settlement, or monthly bill? Log in to Worldpay iQ - our online self-service portal to help you easily manage your account.
Log in to our self-service portalOur payments team is here for you 24/7.
If you need help with iQ or your standalone terminal or you’re a small business, please call us at 1-866-622-2390