How we deal with complaints
Providing good service is important to us. If we don’t get it right for you, please tell us soon so we can put it right and make improvements.
We will:
- Make it easy for you to tell us about a complaint.
- Consider your suggestions about how we could put things right
- Do our best to make sure you’re satisfied with how we handle your complaint
Resolving your complaint
When we receive your complaint, we will contact you to let you know:
- Who is dealing with your complaint
- When we expect to resolve it – if we can’t resolve it in that time, we will update you
If your complaint is particularly complex, it may take longer for us to reach an agreement with you. Once your complaint has been investigated, we will issue a final response. If we haven’t done this within 15 days, we will write to you to explain why and indicate when you can expect a final response.
Canadian Merchants
If you are a Canadian merchant and believe that our conduct or the conduct of any affiliated service provider is contrary to the Code of Conduct for the Payment Card Industry, you may report the matter to us via the following channels:
- By completing the Canadian Merchants Code of Conduct for the Payment Card Industry Concern/Issue Form here
- By calling the Worldpay toll-free number: 1-866-622-2390 or 1-800-846-4472
- By emailing
- By mailing to Worldpay Canada Corporation, ATTN: Worldpay Complaints Department 5000 Yonge Street, Suite #900, Toronto, Ontario, M2N 0A7, Canada
To assist us in reviewing your issue, please provide the following, where applicable:
- A summary of your concerns
- Any details, such as the name(s) of any individuals involved in the issue and/or of any other persons with knowledge of the issue
- The date of the incident or on which the matter began
- Copies of any supporting documentation (i.e., agreements, statements, correspondence)
Upon receipt of your issue, we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within a maximum of five (5) business days.
We will investigate and address your complaint within a maximum of 20 business days, according to order of urgency and we will ensure that you are kept notified and informed throughout the process. If a response cannot be provided within 20 business days, we will inform you of the reason for the delay and the expected response time.
Once your complaint has been investigated and addressed, we will provide you with a substantive written or email response that will include the following:
- a summary of the complaint;
- the final result of the investigation;
- the final decision, including an explanation; and,
- information on how to further escalate your complaint to the relevant Acquirer or PCNO(s) (as appropriate) in the event of an unsatisfactory outcome.
If you feel your issue has not been adequately addressed, you may escalate the issue to:
If the Acquirer is: Peoples Trust Company
Telephone: 877-374-9444
Fax: 416-642-1550
Web: Resolving Your Concerns - Peoples Group (
Mail: Merchant Acquiring, Peoples Group
Suite 1310 – 95 Wellington Street W., Toronto, ON M5J 2N7
If the Acquirer is: Everlink Payment Services Inc.
Telephone: 1-888-354-6577
Mail: 125 Commerce Valley Drive West, Suite 100 Markham, ON L3T 7W4, Attn: Merchant Services.
Visa Canada
Visa Code of Conduct complaint handling procedure:
Fax: 416-860-8873
Web: Visa Canada Code of Conduct | Visa
Mastercard Canada
Telephone: 1-416-365-6655
Web: Code of Conduct | Credit and Debit Industry in Canada (
Mail: 600-121 Bloor St. E, Toronto, ON M4W 3M5 (Attn. Code of Conduct Compliance)
Telephone: 1-855-789-2979 or at 416-362-8550
Web: Report a problem with a service provider - Business - Interac
Telephone: 1-866-461-3222
Mail:6th Floor, Enterprise Building, 427 Laurier Ave. West, Ottawa, ON K1R 1B9
Please visit the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada's website for more information on merchant rights under the Code of Conduct for the Payment Card Industry in Canada.
Information Disclosures and Notices for Canada
Canadian merchants may also find other important disclosures here.
Complaints form
Complete and submit this form to file your Complaint with Worldpay.