With more than 50 years in the financial services technology market, we have the experience you can count on and learn from.

Credit card processing, Mobile payments
What you need to know about POS credit card processing
A new era for point-of-sale card processing technology and equipment.

Fraud prevention, Payment security
3D Secure: 5 benefits of cardholder authentication
3DS is helping online shopping authentication be conducted more securely.

PCI compliance, Payment security
What you need to know about PCI compliance levels
PCI compliance is mandatory for all businesses that accept credit card payments. Learn more about these requirements.

Payment basics, Gateways
What you need to know about merchant gateway providers
Explore how payment service providers facilitate seamless transactions.

Small business, Payment basics
11 Answers to eCheck payments questions
One way to keep money flowing in is to accept the payment types that are convenient for your customers ─ like eCheck.

Payment basics, Fraud prevention
The basics of chargebacks explained
Discover how a new generation of tools is simplifying chargeback management for merchants.

Payment basics
What is business cash advance?
This funding option may be a useful strategy for certain businesses.

Omnichannel payments, Payment processing
What is omnichannel and omnicommerce?
Connect with customers everywhere. Understand the difference between omnichannel and omnicommerce to optimize these methods for your business.

Merchant services
What you need to know to open a merchant account
There are many aspects to opening a merchant account for your business.