With more than 50 years in the financial services technology market, we have the experience you can count on and learn from.

Credit card processing, Payment basics
10 Best practices for card-not-present transactions
With CNP transactions on the rise, follow these 10 best practices to securely process payments via phone, internet or mobile.

Small business, Payment basics
11 Answers to eCheck payments questions
One way to keep money flowing in is to accept the payment types that are convenient for your customers ─ like eCheck.

Online payments
3 Essential strategies for cross border e-commerce
Unlock potential new and valuable opportunities with these tips.

Omnichannel payments
3 Mistakes retailers make with buy online, return in store
Effectively executed, a BORIS policy enables painless cross-channel returns for consumers.

Recurring payments, Payment processing
3 Ways recurring payments help businesses succeed
Subscription models start with setting up a recurring payment service.

Small business, Online payments
3 Ways SMBs can capitalize on consumers' buying habits
Read our tips for ways to engage your customers with compelling content.

Fraud prevention, Payment security
3D Secure: 5 benefits of cardholder authentication
3DS is helping online shopping authentication be conducted more securely.

Fraud prevention, Payment security
4 Reasons to use tokenization
Tokenization simplifies and secures payment processing.

Online payments, Credit card processing
4 Ways to drive higher approval rates in online payments
With so much depending on online sales, approval rates can’t be ignored.